Thinking of buying a rubber weight belt for freediving?
Well here’s some good news for you…you’re in the right place! ๐
In this post, I explain why rubber is the best material for a freediving belt and then I follow it up with my (and many freedivers’) top recommended rubber weight belt.
Sound simple and straight forward?
That’s because it is!
Let’s get into it…
? Time Out… ?
If you’re here just to see what rubber weight belt I recommend for freedivers…You can’t go wrong with the Riffe Rubber Weight Belt (click here to view price on Amazon).
As for the weights to use with a rubber belt, I recommend the Sea Pearls Vinyl Coated Lace Through Weights. They fit perfectly on the riffe rubber belt and won’t slide around during your dives. Click here to check the price of these weights on Amazon.
? Alright, now back to the post… ?
Rubber is, hands-down, the best weight belt material for freedivers.
Because a rubber belt gently stretches and expands with your belly and abdomen as you breathe in, resulting in more air getting into your lungs.
(so you can dive deeper depths…for longer amounts of time…) ๐
Most other belts, like nylon weight belts, are too rigid and inflexible to bend and stretch properly as you inhale air.
This means your lungs and belly aren’t able to expand as you breathe deeply…
Resulting in air being cut off and less oxygen getting to your lungs.
If you’re wearing a rubber belt that fits; you’ll never have to deal with this problem. You’ll have clear, refreshing breathe-ups with gusts of fresh oxygen rushing into your lungs, refueling you supremely for your next dive.
Click here to view Amazon’s Choice for freediving rubber weight belts.
Although Nylon weight belts are typically cheaper than rubber; they’re really not the best choice for freediving.
A lot of pro freedivers harp on and on about how important it is to be calm, relaxed and comfortable in the water, if you want to hit longer bottom times and deeper depths…So make sure you’re wearing gear that’s actually comfortable!
If you want to wear a belt that’s nice and flexible AND doesn’t stunt your potential as a freediver, I recommend getting a rubber weight belt!
When choosing a weight belt, make sure it’s one that’s comfortable – weight belts can be a freedivers’ best friend or worst enemy!
If you’ve read this far down the post, chances are you’re planning on buying a rubber weight belt (or at least thinking about it ๐ ).
If you need any suggestions – I recommend the Riffe Rubber Weight Belt. It’s very popular among freedivers and is currently ‘Amazon’s Choice’ so you know its trustable and from a reputable vendor.
Here’s why the Riffe Weight Belt trumps every other belt on the market:
For the price of just two lunches, you can get your Riffe Rubber Weight Belt by clicking this link here.
If you’re looking for a nice set of diving weights to go with them, I recommend the Sea Pearls Vinyl Coated Lace Through Weights. Click here to see them on Amazon.
Gerrie is a passionate Freediver, Spearfisher, Digital Marketer, and author for the Apnealogy website. Gerrie is an SSI Level 1 certified Freediver who loves geeking out about freediving and spearfishing gear and lives for his family and adventure.